B3 Strength and Conditioning

A mailing list to regularly send out updates, articles and more about B3 Strength and Conditioning.

Jordan Syatt

Published: Sun, 04/30/23

Jordan Syatt Youtube Videos This weeks newsletter is about watching a few youtube videos from Jordan Syatt, a leader in the world of strength and…

Newsletter Hub Post

Published: Sun, 04/23/23

To cardio or not to cardio?! To cardio or not to cardio...that is THEE question!Summer is coming. People want to lose body fat. So they do more cardio…

The Barbell Deadlift

Published: Sun, 04/16/23

The barbell deadliftThe barbell deadlift is THE best e ercise in my opinion. This is just MY opinion. Not yours. Not a Dr. Not your friend Sally or…

"Rules" for our Bodies!

Published: Sat, 04/08/23

I've been saying this a lot lately.."I don't make the rules"... and it's because it's so true. When I recommend to eat 1g of protein per body weight,…

Strength Training 101

Published: Sun, 04/02/23

When it comes to working out, any form of e ercise is of course, great! But, MOST people chase more than that. They want to change their body on the…

Newsletter Hub Post

Published: Sun, 03/26/23

Little jingle to make you happy Social Media Post I'm not sure if I have the rights to this little jingle shown below here and on my social media…

Let's talk PROTEIN!

Published: Sun, 03/19/23

Very important topic here. Protein:Let's talk allllll things protein this week!3 key facts:1.) Protein is the only macronutrient that aids in building…

Hey !

Published: Sun, 03/12/23

Hey there! You’re probably wondering why you just received a subscription from me, huh? Well! It’s because we’ve been in contact in some way, shape or…

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