1.) Protein is the only macronutrient that aids in building muscle and repairing tissues.
2.) Protein keeps you satiated longer.
3.) Protein is severely under consumed by most Americans.
Let's talk about it:
Protein is the most important macronutrient in my
opinion. Many people would change their body composition and reach their goals if they utilized getting enough protein into their body each day. We want to shoot for around 1g of protein per lb of desired body weight to start. Ex:180lbs = about 180g of protein/day
Is it safe to consume that much protein? Yes, protein is one of the most researched supplements out there and has been around longer than I've been alive. It's extremely
How do I get that much in?
Increaseportions at each meal with what you are already eating + look at supplementation (ask me).
Consume the same amount on workout days and non workout days. Your body still needs all the protein it can get, especially recovery days!