Lets talk Heart Rate zones!
Published: Sun, 03/17/24
Heart rates...yeah! I like e plaining heart rate zone to people because then it gives people an understanding of what is ACTUALLY going on when you do…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates, articles and more about B3 Strength and Conditioning.
Published: Sun, 03/17/24
Heart rates...yeah! I like e plaining heart rate zone to people because then it gives people an understanding of what is ACTUALLY going on when you do…
Published: Sun, 03/10/24
Good morning! When many start out on a fitness journey, they are sometimes super eager to get started! They want to do everything with the highest…
Published: Sun, 03/03/24
Happy Sunday funday! As a personal trainer, it's my job to get people stronger. And I love it. Every second of it. Especially when I have clients who…
Published: Sun, 02/18/24
Hey there! Some e citing news happened to me over the weekend...I passed the CSCS e am. This is a pretty big deal to me and others in my field. The…
Published: Sun, 02/11/24
Goooooooooodmorning! Ahh, one of the best Sunday's of the year...and also one of the worst. It's the greatest game of the year but also when football…
Published: Sun, 02/04/24
Hey! I posted this on my Instagram last week. I think it's a really important lil video so I want you all to see it. And if you've already seen it,…
Published: Sun, 01/28/24
Good morning! Thanks to all of you who joined in on Wednesday night with Sarah and I! We didn't e pect it to go that long but we had a great time and…
Published: Sun, 01/21/24
Good morning! I want to inform you all of an Instagram Live I'm doing this week with Nutrition coach and Trainer, Sarah Carne. Sarah and I connected…
Published: Sun, 01/14/24
Good morning! It's a new year. It's NFL playoff season. And it was just almost 60 degrees yesterday in Massachusetts. What a great start to the year!…
Published: Sun, 01/07/24
Happy Sunday! Since 2023 is behind us and we are into 2024...let's reflect on last year! Many of you will look back on 2023 and wonder why you are not…