Happy Sunday!
The human body is amazing. I say it all the time. The feats
of strengths we can achieve, the positions we can put our bodies in and just the pure amazing things human beings can do blows my mind. Just look at last years Olympics, watch Powerlifting meets, look at all the men and women professional athletes...yes sometimes genetics matter...but most of the time it takes a lot of years and a lot of hard work to get there.
You all have it. You are all able to get to some level of greatness within your body. Yes, there are certain limitations but we were all built in a way that we all have some type of strong suit..whatever that may be. We can all lift heavy things. We can all run. We can jump, swim, sprint and do so many cool things. So many people take their body for
granted. You can do things..you just need to challenge your mind and your body.
For me...its athletics and strength. I'm still pretty athletic and I'm pretty effing strong. And I work really fucking hard to achieve some things. Below is me
deadlifting my all time best of 530lbs. Many of you may have already seen this on my social media pages, but I wanted to bring it to light again. No, not to brag (although it is pretty damn cool I lifted that much)...it's to show you that anyone can be strong. Anyone can put in the work week after week, month after month, year after year and still get strong.
Strength has nothing to do with being athletic. Or being smart. Or being the tallest. Or being the fastest. Being strong is all about YOU.
- How consistent can YOU be?
- How disciplined can YOU be?
- How much work are YOU willing to put in?
- Do YOU do it when you're tired? When YOU don't want to?
- How long are YOU willing to work to get there?
See, being strong is all about you. No one else. No one else is helping me pick this damn bar up below. No one feeds me protein to get strong. No one makes me go to the gym. It's all about YOU. Do some cool shit with your body. It doesn't have to be lifting this amount of weight...but we were given this amazing body to do cool shit with...