Happy Sunday!
I've been thinking how can I relay the importance of
muscle to you all. I think this one may hit home...
We need both of these things in life (to an extent) - money + protein. Some of us don't need as much money as others and some of us don't need as much protein as
others - but we all need some amount of each of them, right? We all need to pay for things in life and all of our bodies always need to repair themselves (yes, even when it doesn't come to working out, protein repairs more than just muscle in your body😉). Okay cool.
When most of us go to work each week, we work really hard (some people don't but that's for another newsletter🤪). When we work really hard, we expect and want to be rewarded for that hard work. That hard work gets rewarded with money. We are paid for the time and effort we put into that job. The cycle then looks like this - work hard - get paid - build a beautiful life for yourself..that seems like a great cycle. Now, if you didn't get
paid, you probably wouldn't want to work that hard, correct? Let's flip that into terms of working out...
We can look at protein the same way that we look at money above. When we workout really hard, we expect to be rewarded for that hard work. That
hard work results in muscle "hopefully" being built on our bodies. The cycle then looks like this - workout hard - eat protein - build a beautiful & strong body for yourself. Now, if you didn't eat an adequate amount of protein, you probably won't build as much muscle as you need to, right? Exactly.
SO...think of working out and eating protein just like working really hard and making money. You put in all of that hard work to get the end result of building a beautiful life for yourself. You need money to get there. THE SAME WAY you need to workout really hard to build a beautiful body for yourself, you NEED protein to get there. Like NEEEEED it. I cannot stress the importance of protein
Stop sabotaging your own hard work. If you put in the work, you expect to get the outcome you desire. I have many, many clients who fail to hit an adequate amount of protein each day/week so they fail to build the muscle they work so
hard to get. You can workout 3,4,5, even 6 days per week but if you are not hitting AT LEAST 1 gram of protein per body weight, you're leaving a lot of "money" on the table.
- Research shows 1g per LB of body weight is amazing for building muscle.
- I've done this the last 16 years of my life. I am my own case study. Eating protein results in muscle being built and getting strong.
- The clients I have that adhere to this the best, are the ones getting the best results.
- Work the hell out. Eat the damn protein. Build the fricken muscle. Then repeat. It's a good
Have a great day. And eat some protein 🍗🥩🍣🥚.