Happy Sunday!
And holy snow if you live up here in the NorthEast! Today is
a day to get a bunch of stuff done around the house. It's a perfect day for meal prepping to set yourself up for the week. It's a perfect day to use that treadmill thats been a coat hanger for the last few months to get some steps in. The snow outside needs to be shoveled, so get some steps + exercise in doing that as well!
Days like today are why I have my clients deadlift. Shoveling and picking up heaving snow is very similar to a deadlift. This is why you NEED to deadlift...of some sort. It's non-negotiable in my opinion. It will save your back for years to come and help prevent many injuries down the road. Plus, who doesn't want to be strong as heck picking shit up off the ground...I for sure do.
Here's a list of some of my STRONGEST deadlifters. These people have deadlifted over 1.5-2x their body weight so I compiled them on this little list to showcase their amazing efforts. I put their age in a "range" because I don't EXACTLY know some
of my clients ages. I don't ask clients ages, even in my first assessment with them. I don't care what their age is. To me, thats defining a person and making them think they shouldn't do something, that they should be at some certain level or a number of other things. Age is a silly metric to me. Here's some strong ass people below: