Heres an easy way to breakdown your daily needs of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Yes, your body needs all three to function optimally. Carbs are not an enemy.
For reference, each gram of macronutrient accounts for calories:
- 4 calories per gram of protein
- 4 calories per gram of carbs
- 9 calories per gram of fats
1.) Set grams of protein to desired body weight in lbs.
Ex: If you would like to weigh 180lbs, you should aim to
consume 180g of protein each day.
2.) A good macronutrient ratio is a 40,30,30 split. 40% from carbs, 30% from protein, 30% from fats. If we already know our protein is 180g per day, we can calculate our total calories, carbs and fats based
off of that number.
Ex: 180g of protein per day
180 x 4 calories per gram of protein = 720 calories from protein
720 / .30 = 2,400 total calories/day
2,400 x .40 = 960 calories
960 calories / 4 = 240g of carbs
2,400 x .30 = 720 calories
720 calories / 9 = 80g of fats
Total daily:
2,400 calories
180g protein
240g carbohydrates
80g fats